Document Category: Christianity

  • The Second Coming of Christ

    The Second Coming of Christ

    or, The Impending Approach of the “Restitution of All Things” (ACTS iii. 21.) by the “Power and Coming” of The God-Man, “The Lord Jesus Christ” (2 PET i. 16.) Scripturally, Philosophically, and Historically Demonstrated.

  • The Devil

    The Devil

    Does He Exist? And What Does He Do?

  • Testimonials from the religious and Secular Press

    Testimonials from the religious and Secular Press

    Testimonials from the religious and Secular Press, of the Rev. R. C. Shimeall’s Two Works, on Christ’s Second Coming: the Great Question of the Day. Is it Pre- or Post- Millennial? Scripturally, Historically, & Philosophical Considered. Our Bible Chronology, Historic and Prophetic, Harmonized with the Chronology of Profane Writers, Etc., Demonstrated.

  • Man: His True Nature and Ministry
  • The Hierophant; or Gleanings from the Past

    The Hierophant; or Gleanings from the Past

    Being an exposition of Biblical astronomy, and the symbolism and mysteries on which were founded all ancient religions and secret societies. Also an explanation of the dark sayings and allegories which abound in the Pagan, Jewish, and Christian bibles: Also, the real sense of the doctrines and observances of the Modern Christian Churches.

  • Millerism Confounded

    Millerism Confounded

    and the Second Coming of Our Lord Elucidated

  • Origin, Nature, and Influence of Neology

    Origin, Nature, and Influence of Neology

    Second Advent Library No. XLII. March 1, 1844.

  • Millerism is Exposed

    Millerism is Exposed

    Political and Religious Detector: In Which Millerism is Exposed, False Principles Detected, and Truth Brought to Light

  • Sacred Pneumatology

    Sacred Pneumatology

    or The Scripture Doctrine of the Holy Spirit