Document Category: Magic

  • The Magical Writings of Thomas Vaughan

    The Magical Writings of Thomas Vaughan

    (Eugenius Philalethes) A verbatim reprint of his first four treatises: Anthroposophia Theomagica, Anima Magica Abscondita, Magica Adamica, and the True Coelum Terrae with the Latin passages translated into English, and with a biographical preface and essay on the esoteric literature of western Christendom

  • The Mysteries of Magic

    The Mysteries of Magic

    A digest of the writings of Eliphas Levi with biographical and critical essay

  • A Treatyse of Magic Incantations
  • Ancient Astronomy, Modern Science, and Sacred Cosmology
  • The Magic of the Middle Ages
  • Greeks and Goths: A Study on the Runes
  • The Secret Book of the Black Arts

    The Secret Book of the Black Arts

    containing all that is known upon the occult sciences of daemonology, spirit rappings, witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, palmistry, mind reading, spiritualism, table turning, ghosts and apparitions, omens, lucky and unlucky signs and days, dreams, charms, divination, second sight, mesmerism, clairvoyance, psychological fascination, etc. And giving full information about the wonderful arts of transmuting base to precious…

  • The Complete Herbalist

    The Complete Herbalist

    Or, The People Their Own Physicians, By the Use of Nature’s Remedies; Describing the Great Curative Properties Found in the Herbal Kingdom. A new and plain system of hygienic principles. Together with comprehensive essays on sexual philosophy, marriage, divorce, &c.

  • Chaldean Magic

    Chaldean Magic

    Its Origins and Development

  • Cuneorum Clavis

    Cuneorum Clavis

    The primitive alphabet and language of the ancient ones of the earth. By means of which can be read the cuneiform inscriptions on the stone tablets, obelisks, cylinders, and other remains discovered in Assyria.