Document Category: Spiritualism

  • The Secret Book of the Black Arts

    The Secret Book of the Black Arts

    containing all that is known upon the occult sciences of daemonology, spirit rappings, witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, palmistry, mind reading, spiritualism, table turning, ghosts and apparitions, omens, lucky and unlucky signs and days, dreams, charms, divination, second sight, mesmerism, clairvoyance, psychological fascination, etc. And giving full information about the wonderful arts of transmuting base to precious…

  • Mesmerism, Spiritualism, &c.

    Mesmerism, Spiritualism, &c.

    Historically and Scientifically considered. Being two lectures delivered at the London Institution with preface and appendix.

  • Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism
  • Modern Spiritualism.

    Modern Spiritualism.

    A Short Account of Its Rise and Progress, With Some Exposures of So-Called Spirit Media.

  • Experiences in Spiritualism

    Experiences in Spiritualism

    A record of extraordinary phenomena witnessed through the most powerful mediums, with some historical fragments relating to semiramide, given by the spirit of an Egyptian who lived contemporary with her.

  • The Spiritualist and journal of Psychological Science

    The Spiritualist and journal of Psychological Science

    No. 123 (Vol. VI No. 1) – No. 148 (Vol. VI – No. 26)

  • The Spirit’s Book

    The Spirit’s Book

    Spiritualist Philosophy: The Spirit’s Book Containing the Principles of Spiritist Doctrine

  • Spiritualism on Trial

    Spiritualism on Trial

    Containing the arguments of Rev. F. W. Evans in the Debate on Spiritualism between him and Mr. A. J. Fishback, held in Osceola, Iowa, commencing Nov. 18 and closing Nov. 28, 1874.

  • On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism
  • The Spirits Tried

    The Spirits Tried

    or, Spiritualism Self-Convicted, Self-Condemned, and Proved to be of Satan.